07 June 2013

Guest Blog: Charlie, part 3

Welcome back!

So, where did I leave off? Oh yeah, hungry for fish, never goes fishing. Yup, thats me.

Well, I ended up having a career change over those early years, and ended up in the nursing profession. Nothing makes it hard to fish, hunt, or maintain any resemblence of those former years endeavors like nursing school and the work thereafter.  But, despite the decreasing personal time, due to that work, and hell, just raising a family and trying to be an entreprenuer myself, I recently had an interesting turn of events.  It seems, maybe my prioritizing was off a little. I'll need to do a little back story for a second though, so bear with me.

Nursing is where I met up with www.facebook.com/southernhooks own Jason Dickens.  I'm not quite sure I meant for this edition of the guest blog to go in the background direction it is angling (if you will), but since we are here, I might as well elaborate on that part of the story.

Jason is the epitome of what I know as the charming coastal Mississippi college boy.  And the first day I met him, he mentioned fishing or some sort of water related commentary in one liners, no less than ten times in that one hour.  We grew close working together, and he's my brother in more than one way for sure.  During his time, he had expressed on more than a dozen occasions, his interest in making some tee shirts related to his own personal establishment, aka the Bite Me Bar, his own back porch and boat launch.  I've been involved in the screen printing industry for a while, and growing my business heavily over the last two years. I figured hey, why the heck not.  But, in my own business growth, I could never see where a tee shirt or two was going to do anything other than generate more than a little party money for one weekend worth of BBQ and gas money for a lake ride or three. But then it hit me.  This whole thing he wants to do, isn't about a tee shirt, its about a 'brand' if you will.  A culture, a mentality. This thing is deep.  Its more than a funny graphic or saying.  What Jason wanted, was for everyone to come to the bite me bar.  Not the physical place, no, the realm, the place in his heart if you will.  The bite me bar is just a part in the life of that very southern person.  Really, he was personally cultivating a lifestyle if you will.

Now, heres where it all ties in together:

(Tomorrow guys! 7AM!)

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